Main > Slideshow> In the world of smells or what the house has to smell of?

In the world of smells or what the house has to smell of?

Если дом болен...
If the house is sick...
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If in the house of the patient, then it can be felt on a threshold. Indoors there are smells of disinfection, drugs, a dead air … But there is also it that the house is sick. Despite a modern situation and European-quality repair, it is heavy to be in such house. In what business? And business that, appears, in by what the house is trimmed.
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The tree perfectly absorbs smells and stores their long time. For this reason in wooden log huts it is quite often possible to observe various bunches of herbs under a ceiling. In old times the floors in wooden houses were swept svezhenalomanny brooms, and washed with infusions from mint, a lavender and a valerian. After such leaving in the wooden house there was a pleasant aroma for a long time.
Камень и кирпич
Stone and brick
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Stone and brick rooms are good the fact that they do not do harm to health. But quite widespread problem in such houses is crude air. Both the stone, and a brick badly absorb smells, and own have no. Therefore in such rooms air is initially pure and at all smells of nothing.
Панели и блоки
Panels and blocks
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Block and panel houses practically "do not breathe". But there is more to come – walls quite often exhale an unpleasant smell. What's the problem? Iron fittings which quickly rust in indistinctly driven joints, and also inevitably appearing mold in those places where walls freeze through are guilty. And when in the summer the sun calcinates walls, harmful evaporations appear.
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The hall concentrates all smells of the house therefore it is always important to keep it clean and an order. It is necessary to wash it even more often than other rooms, however to watch that there was not damp. It is better to dry wet footwear and clothes in the certain room. On a rug in a hall it is possible to drip a little essential oil (a lavender, a citrus, etc.), then pleasant aroma will envelop entering directly immediately.
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In modern houses the kitchen is quite often combined with a drawing room, but nevertheless from other rooms it is better to separate it densely closed door. After each cooking the kitchen should be aired. Having installed effective system of aircleaning, you will secure yourself against fat and ashes. On walls it is possible to hang out bunches of spicy herbs, or to put a little carnation, a marjoram and cinnamon in linen sacks and to hide in secluded places of the room.
Ванная и туалет
Bathroom and toilet
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As a rule, the toilet and a bathroom of the room are in such rooms which are rather difficult for airing. Therefore will not prevent to think of system of ventilation. All objects in these rooms have to be moisture-proof. So, instead of wooden boxes and shelves it is better to establish plastic. The heated towel rail will help to avoid a mustiness smell.
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In a bedroom any smells are perceived brighter. In general, this room is intended for rest therefore it shall be well aired. If weather allows, then it is recommended to sleep at an open window or a window leaf. The bed linen which is stored in a bedroom can be flavored by means of fragrant sachets. Paule should wipe 1-2 times a day, and to add a few aromatic oils to water.
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The nursery is not recommended to be fumigated with aromas and to refresh with chemical means. It is better to air the nursery once again. For the child very important that the nursery smelled usual, then he will feel safe. By the way, it is not necessary to wash too often toys in the room, a favourite teddy bear therefore darling that stores the child's smell. And here floors should be wiped regularly.
Drawing room
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In a drawing room houseplants will well look, including such which beautifully blossom and smell. The drawing room can be refreshed with various aromatic mixes, fragrant candles and aromas, essential oils. It will be quite good to equip the room with the conditioner, especially if on a visit the smoking companions quite often look.
Ароматические палочки
Aromatic sticks
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Aromatic sticks are produced from thin bamboo spill. On it the thin layer applied the coal powder which is previously impregnated with aromamasla, extracts of fragrant herbs and honey. Such sticks are readily available and cost not much, but some people can have on them an allergic reaction. It is also worth noting that the smell of the burning bamboo worsens a dream.
Ароматические лампы
Aromatic lamps
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Aromalampa is a lamp which consists of a tank for essential oil and department for a candle. That the aromalampa did not smoke, add to a tank at first a little hot water then several drops of essential oil drip. Also it will promote longer aromaseans.


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