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Absorbent carbon

Активированный угольAbsorbent carbon – enterosorbiruyushchy means.

Pharmacological action

Absorbent carbon is the coal of plant or animal origin which underwent special processing and acting as the strong adsorbent absorbing alkaloids of a natural and synthetic origin, gases, toxins of an animal, bacterial, plant origin, poisons, glycosides, somnolent drugs, salts of heavy metals, phenolic derivatives, cyanhydric acid, streptocides.

The moderate adsorbing action absorbent carbon in relation to alkalis and acids possesses.

Judging by responses, absorbent carbon possesses also antidiarrheal and disintoxication action.

High performance of drug is noted when carrying out hemoperfusion at poisoning with theophylline, Glutathimidum, barbiturates.

Release form

Release means in granules, capsules, tablets, in the form of paste and powder.

Indications to use

The coal activated is accepted at a meteorism, dyspepsia, excessive mucifying and a gastric juice, for the termination of processes of fermentation and rotting in a GIT.

In the instruction of the coal activated it is specified also that it is effective at poisoning with glycosides, foodstuff, alkaloids, salts of heavy metals, chemical compounds and medicines, at a burn disease at a stage of a septicotoxemia and a toxaemia, at dysentery and salmonellosis, at acute and chronic hepatitis, asthma bronchial, gastritis, dermatitis atopic, cirrhosis, chronic cholecystitis, a coloenteritis, a holetsistopankreatita.

There are positive reviews about the coal activated, applied at an allergy, disbolism, alcoholic abstinence, intoxication at chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Recommend to accept drug by preparation for endoscopic and X-ray inspections – for reduction of gas generation in intestines.

Thanks to the fact that means removes toxins apply the coal activated for weight loss, but not as independent means, and in combination with a diet: it is recommended to abstain from farinaceous food, sweet, alcohol.


Use of coal of the GIT activated at ulcers, bleedings from a GIT is not recommended, to hypersensitivity.

Besides in the instruction of the coal activated it is specified that it is impossible to accept drug along with medicines which effect begins after absorption.

Application instruction

Accept drug inside, for 1-2ch. before meal or medicines. The daily dosage of means averages 100-200¼ú/kg, accept it in three steps. Treatment lasts 3-14dn, through 14dn. it can be repeated.

At poisonings the coal activated according to the instruction is accepted on 20-30g – powder dissolve in 100-150ml waters. At acute poisoning for a start carry out a gastric lavage by the suspension prepared from 10-20g powder then to the patient appoint to accept coal inside – 20-30g/days.

At a meteorism and dispepsichesky frustration means is accepted 3-4r/days on 1-2g on an extent 3-7dn.

At the diseases which are followed by the fermentation and rotting of food in intestines increased by release of juice of a stomach, means is accepted on an extent 1-2ned. The dosage depends on age: to children to 7 l give 5 g of coal, to children 7-14l – 7 g of means, the adult appoint to accept po10g coal 3 р / days.

Judging by reviews of absorbent carbon, there are two effective schemes of its use for clarification of an organism during a diet:

  • Таблетки активированного угляin one day it is necessary to take 10 medicines. Coal to food, in stages is drunk;
  • absorbent carbon for weight loss is accepted from calculation one tablet on 10 kg of weight, to food. At the same time it is not recommended to take more than 7 pill in one step. The scheme at which begin to take no more than three pill at one time is considered ideal, gradually raising a dosage.

Accept absorbent carbon for weight loss by ten-day courses, do a break of 10 days, and again are returned to a diet. The good effect is observed after carrying out in addition cleansing enemas.

Side effects

Prolonged use of the coal activated can bring: to a hypovitaminosis, deterioration in nutritive absorption from a GIT. Also there can be diarrhea or a lock, vomiting.

When carrying out hemoperfusion by means of drug the hemorrhage, a hypothermia, a thromboembolism, a hypoglycemia, a hypocalcemia, pressure decline are in certain cases observed.

Whether you know that:

Average life expectancy of lefthanders is less, than right-handed persons.