Main > Food stuffs> Cepes


Useful properties of cepes

Cepe concerns to family of boletuses, surpasses the majority of mushrooms known to us in tastes and nutritional value.

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Cepes thick a knife, can have their surface brown, white, sometimes pink color – it depends on the area in which mushrooms grow. A distinguishing character of a mushroom – a tubular layer under a hat, which at young mushrooms of white color, and at old – yellow or greenish colors.

In mushrooms vitamins C, In, E, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, fluorine, cobalt, calcium, sodium, manganese, magnesium, sulfur, a large amount of polysaccharides, ether lecithin, carbohydrates, proteins are found. Caloric content of fresh cepes – 34 kcal on 100 g. Caloric content of the cepes roasted on vegetable oil – 162 kcal.

Wound healing, tonic and antineoplastic property of cepes is known. They are recommended to use at an anemia, atherosclerosis since mushrooms prevent adjournment of cholesterol on vascular walls.

Cepes at diseases of a liver are useful, an eye, kidneys, marrow, they are a good immunostimulator, suppress growth of fungi, viruses, disease-producing bacteria.

Also such curative property of cepes as stimulation of allocation of a gastric juice is established, and it is noted that they considerably surpass beef-infusion broths in this quality.

Use of cepes

Cepes use in a fried, marinated, salty, boiled, dried look, it is only necessary to consider that at thermal treatment, at a temperature of 100 degrees and when freezing they lose the curative properties.

Besides, the chitin which is contained in them considerably slows down assimilation of freshly cooked mushrooms and therefore in the therapeutic purposes they are recommended to eat only in a salty or dried look.

For the prevention of cancer diseases, dry cepes, istolchenny in powder, accept daily on one teaspoon. It is also useful to add powder from dry mushrooms to the first and second courses.

Despite the low caloric content, cepes are not considered as a dietary product, they heavy for digestion, especially in a fried look, and are acquired even more slowly, than meat.

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As well as any other mushrooms, white are the powerful sorbents absorbing toxins and radioactive materials, for example, lead, cadmium, caesium, strontium. Therefore to gather mushrooms in industrial regions and near highways it is impossible.

To 12-14l cepes are contraindicated to children: their alimentary system does not produce the enzymes capable to process the chitin which is contained in mushrooms yet.

It is important to show care when collecting mushrooms. Big danger is represented by false cepe which is called still a bitter or bitter boletus, the bitterling. Despite external similarity, a false mushroom treats other family and differs in bitter taste which amplifies at thermal treatment. At false cepe the same leg extending to a bottom, the same pipe layer under a hat, but rather dirty-white or pink color, uncharacteristic for cepe. The main difference of false cepe is that pulp on a cut gains pink color from it, and at the real mushroom – no. What is still important, on a leg of false cepe there is a reticulum that makes it similar to a birch mushroom and often misleads.

One more double of cepe is the blood-red boletus, very poisonous, capable to cause severe poisoning. Distinguishes a blood-red boletus a rough surface of a hat, is more often than grayish color. It bright yellowish-red, red color, a tubular layer at this mushroom can have a yellowish leg, red-brown or red and olive. Also it is necessary to consider that pulp of the poisonous double on a cut quickly turns pink or becomes blue. Besides, old blood-red boletuses possess an unpleasant smell.

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