Main > Diseases> Dermoid cyst

Dermoid cyst

Dermoid cyst – the benign cyst consisting of epidermis, a derma, hair, hair a follicle and sebaceous glands. If removal of a dermoid cyst timely is not carried out, then in an effect at 8% of the diseased from high-quality it turns into malignant. The dermoid cyst belongs to fibroepitelialny educations and organoid teratomas which consist of connecting fabrics, rough from the inside and smooth from outside.Дермоидная киста - доброкачественное образование

Outside the dermoid cyst is surrounded with the oval capsule and reaches the size of a large pea or walnut in sizes. It has a single-chamber or multichamber cavity in which grease weight with impurity of the keratosic skin scales and hair contains. Depending on contents the dermoid cyst is subdivided on dense and soft. Symptoms of dermoid cysts differ in nothing from symptoms of other benign tumors, that is are practically absent. However in cases of achievement of a dermoid cyst of ovaries of the big sizes the following symptoms are possible:

  • Heavy feeling in a stomach;
  • Locks;
  • Pains in the bottom of a stomach;
  • Frustration of an urination.

Dermoid cysts grow quite slowly, but constantly and without stopping. Suppurations and planocellular cancer can be the complications caused by a cyst. Often the dermoid cyst is formed in areas:

  • Century;
  • Nose bridges;
  • Lips;
  • Nasolabial folds;
  • Necks;
  • Nape;
  • Take in;
  • Buttocks and stomach;
  • Front mediastinum;
  • Celluloses of eyes and ovaries;
  • Submandibular;
  • Periorbital;
  • Soft tissues of a neck and mouth.

Much less often the cyst meets in temporal, chewing and buccal areas.

Reasons of a dermoid cyst

The wrong accretion of various body tissues is the reason of a dermoid cyst during pre-natal fetation. From this it follows that the dermoid cyst is inborn defect.Дермоидная киста в разрезе

Diagnosis of a dermoid cyst

Dermoid cysts are diagnosed during medical examination. In addition to the full medical record of the patient and physical inspection diagnostic procedures for definition of are carried out whether the cyst is connected with other fabrics which can include:

  • The Computer Tomography (CT) - the diagnostic procedure of visualization which uses a combination of X-ray and computer technology for the image of cross-section of all body across and down. KT shows the detailed image of any part of a body, including bones, muscles, fat and bodies;
  • The Magnetic and Resonant Tomography (MRT) – the diagnostic procedure which helps to receive detailed images of bodies and structures of an organism.

Treatment of a dermoid cyst

Specific treatment of a dermoid cyst is defined by the doctor on the basis of age, the general state of health, a case history and a stage of a disease.

Surgical removal of a dermoid cyst happens by its opening, evacuating of contents and full drainage. After inflammatory process abates, there is possible also an excision of walls of a cyst. Duration of the procedure makes 10-15 min. if the child is sick, then it is carried out under anesthetic.

Process of removal of a dermoid cyst happens to the minimum traumatization of fabrics, imposing of almost invisible cosmetic seams is also possible (when the cyst is located on a front zone).

Untimely removal of the capsule of a cyst can become the reason of the beginning of a recurrence. If it leads to acute inflammatory process, then in an urgent order the dermoid cyst is opened and drain an abscess. Radical removal of a cyst becomes possible only after complete elimination of active inflammatory process and healing of wounds.

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