As a rule, quite often it happens that in a mad rhythm of life we not always manage to watch a condition of the figure. And here holidays on a nose or some responsible action when well very much it is necessary to look just for all hundred percent. You look at yourself in a mirror and you notice that several excess kilograms are, and it is necessary to remove them very urgently, literally for couple of days. Here also the diet for 2 days comes to the rescue.
There is a set of diets for 2 days. Similar express diets can give irreplaceable help in cases when it is necessary to lose weight very urgently.
Unfortunately, specialists insist that it is necessary to resort to the help of similar diets only as a last resort, you gained excess weight much longer time. Therefore, and it is desirable to fight against it systematically, step by step and measuredly.
The diet for 2 days should not be abused, it is not recommended to prolong it. It is important to understand that the diet for 2 days is expected this short period, and prolonging it, itself can earn serious problems with health.
As a last resort, if this diet very much was to the taste to you, it is possible to arrange himself a diet 2 through 2 and to observe it for two weeks or even more.
At observance of a diet for 2 days loss of weight happens preferential due to removal from an organism of liquid and loss of muscle bulk, but not due to loss of fatty deposits. And here the organism leaves fat in the latest turn. Besides, various diets for 2 days and even diets 2 through 2 are fraught with emergence of deficit of certain vitamins and microelements.
Quite often express diets cause undesirable side effects. So, because of shortage of carbohydrates there is a feeling sick and braking of cerebration. And together with water from an organism calcium and potassium which are extremely necessary for bones, muscles, hair and teeth is washed away.
It should be noted also such lack of a diet for 2 days as bystry return of excess weight. It is connected with the fact that the organism, having acute stress, begins to stock up actively with fat if the similar shake-up will repeat.
From all aforesaid it is necessary to draw a conclusion that, observing various express diets, it is recommended to accept vitamin complexes and to try that daily consumption of calories was not less than 1000. And that later an exit from a diet not to gain sharply weight, it is recommended to do physical exercises and not to increase sharply consumption of carbohydrates and fats.
This diet is rather rigid. Two days it is necessary to take special honey and lemon drink, and all other products are prohibited. The quantity drunk during a day of drink has to make three liters. It is possible to tell that it is even not a diet, and two fasting days for which the organism gets rid of toxins and slags. It should be noted that the lemon is very useful to a condition of skin, and in combination with honey brings excess cholesterol out of an organism. Thus, this diet for 2 days allows to get rid of 2-3 excess kilograms.
And it is easy to cook drink for this diet. It is necessary to take 15 lemons, to squeeze out of them juice and to mix with three liters of still water. Here it is necessary to add 70 g of honey.
Before going on a similar diet, it is necessary to consider that the lemon increases acidity of a gastric juice and can influence annoyingly mucous, causing heartburn. Thus, people cannot keep to this diet with a hyperoxemia of a stomach and with various diseases of the alimentary system. Also people are not recommended to keep to this diet with an urolithiasis.
For this diet for 2 days on kefir it is recommended to use drink with 1% of fat content. For one day 1,5 liters of kefir are necessary, and it is necessary to drink it for 5-6 receptions. Other products at observance of this diet are prohibited, and water can be drunk in any quantities.
This diet allows to get rid with ease of two kilograms in two days. If you need to dump more, then the diet 2 through 2 which means two days on a usual diet and two fasting days on kefir is recommended.
It is necessary to consider that the diet for 2 days on kefir is contraindicated at a hyperoxemia.
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