Main > Reference book of diets> A diet at the raised cholesterol

Diet at the raised cholesterol

Cholesterol – organic compound, necessary for cellular membranes. He promotes production of vitamin D, women's and men's sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone and testosterone), and also takes active part in work of immune system.Особенности диеты при повышенном холестерине

As a result of many researches connection between the level of cholesterol and the state of health of the person was established. In particular, at excess of cholesterol the risk of development of atherosclerotic disturbances and formation considerably increases in vessels of plaques that is the reason of an ischemic stroke, heart attack and other cardiovascular complications.

So that to avoid development and progressing of these diseases, it is necessary to keep to a diet at the raised cholesterol.

Menu of a hypocholesteric diet

For decrease in cholesterol in blood it is necessary to keep to a diet constantly. At the same time consumption of saturated fats should be reduced approximately by one third that will provide permanent decrease in "bad" cholesterol, and also will allow to avoid drug treatment.

At the high level of cholesterol the diet should be made proceeding from the fact that:

  • Decrease in level of cholesterol in blood is promoted by unsaturated fats (plant origin);
  • Saturated fats (synthetic and animal) raise cholesterol in blood;
  • Monounsaturated fats (fish and seafood) contribute to normalization of level of cholesterol and triglycerides.

Useful and harmful products for decrease in level of cholesterol

By drawing up the menu of a hypocholesteric diet it is necessary to consider the following properties of products and their impact on an organism:

  • Dairy products have to be only fat-free (milk – no more than 1,5%, yogurt and kefir – no more than 2%, cheese – 35% and below), at the same time are recommended to refuse cream and sour cream;
  • The use of margarine and butter should be reduced significantly;
  • From vegetable oils preference should be given olive as it promotes decrease in level of cholesterol. In small amounts it is possible to use such vegetable oils in the diet as peanut, sunflower, corn and soy;
  • For decrease in cholesterol in blood for a diet it is better to choose fast beef, veal and mutton from meat. Before preparation fat should be cut off. Completely nutritionists do not recommend to refuse meat as the full refusal of red meat can lead to anemia, especially at young women. Meat semi-finished products, such as sausages, sausage and bacon, it is better not to include in a diet;
  • Offal, including kidneys, a liver and brains, contains a large amount of "bad" cholesterol therefore in a hypocholesteric diet they are not recommended to be used;
  • From fowl it is necessary to give preference to meat of a turkey as it contains only 3-5% of fat;
  • Fish in a diet at the raised cholesterol it is recommended to eat daily. The omegas-3-fatty acids which are contained in it by results of numerous researches, are capable to reduce considerably risk of development of a heart attack and other cardiovascular complications. The most saturated omegas-3-fatty acids are the tuna, a cod and a flounder, and fish roe and squids, on the contrary, contain a large amount of "bad" cholesterol, and in a hypocholesteric diet they are not recommended to be used;
  • Egg yolks contain a lot of cholesterol therefore at a diet it is impossible to use more than 3-4 eggs a week, at the same time ovalbumins can be eaten without restrictions;
  • At the use in a daily diet of 400 g and more vegetables and fruit are observed considerable decrease in level of cholesterol in blood. The smallest hypertension, ischemia and cancer mortality in Europe is noted in the countries where traditionally eat many fruit and vegetables. At high cholesterol for a diet grapes, beet, pumpkin, avocado and eggplants as the flavonoids which are contained in them promote removal from an organism of "bad" cholesterol are considered as the most useful;
  • During a diet at cholesterol in blood it is recommended to use carbohydrate-rich bread of a rough grinding and macaroni. They are not only an alternative energy source, but also promote binding and removal of "bad" cholesterol from an organism;
  • Bean contain a lot of phytalbumin. Soy, peas and haricot should be included in a diet at the raised cholesterol, especially at the limited use of meat;
  • Alcohol in moderate doses promotes protection against atherosclerosis as reduces viscosity of blood and prevents development of thromboses;
  • Nuts are a source of unsaturated fatty acids. By results of many researches in blood walnuts are especially useful to decrease in level of cholesterol.

At high cholesterol the diet has to exclude various sweets as the increased sugar level in blood promotes increase in cholesterol.

During a diet at the raised cholesterol preference should be given to stewed and boiled food, at the same time it is recommended to extinguish with the minimum quantity of fat and oil, and their shortcoming can be compensated by water.Примерное меню гипохолестериновой диеты

In addition to change of food for decrease in level of "bad" cholesterol in blood it is regularly necessary to be engaged in physical activity (morning exercises, foot walks and sport), to refuse smoking and to reduce alcohol intake.

It is possible to add a diet at the raised cholesterol with herbal teas from a dogrose, corn a rylets, a horsetail, a hawthorn, a buckthorn, mint and a motherwort which are useful to prevention and complex treatment of atherosclerosis.

The approximate day menu of a diet at the raised cholesterol

For the first breakfast at a hypocholesteric diet it is possible to eat 150 g of buckwheat cereal, one portion of fruit (grapefruit, apple, a pear or orange) and to drink a glass of coffee or tea without sugar (it is possible with honey and low-fat milk).

During the second breakfast the vegetables salad (250 g) filled with lemon juice or olive oil and a glass of carrot fresh juice is recommended.

The lunch includes 300 ml of vegetable soup on olive oil, 150 g of steam chicken cutlets, 150 g of vegetables on a grill, 1 piece of white bread and a glass of orange juice.

For an afternoon snack it is possible to eat 120 g of oat flakes and to drink a glass of apple juice.

The dinner includes 200 g of the low-fat fish prepared on a grill, 150 g of stewed vegetables, 1 piece of otrubny bread and a glass of tea (black, green or grassy).

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