Main > Drugs> Floradofilus


Floradofilus is the natural dietary supplement of pro-biotic type containing live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Floradofilus does not treat pharmacological drugs, as dietary supplement is allowed for use in the territory of the Russian Federation. This dietary supplement effectively normalizes an intestinal biocenosis therefore responses about Floradofilus from the patients using it positive.Биодобавка Флорадофилус


The following groups of bacteria are a part of dietary supplement Floradofilus:

  • L.rhamnosus R049 in number of the 672nd million (20%);
  • L.plantarum R202 in number of the 672nd million (20%);
  • L.casel R215 in number of the 672nd million (20%);
  • B.breve R070 in number of 336 million (10%);
  • L.acidophilus R053 in number of 336 million (10%);
  • B.bifidum R071 in number of 336 million (10%);
  • B.longum R023 in number of 336 million (10%);
  • Fruictoligocaccharides (FOS) — 210 mg.

Total number of bacteria - 3,36 billion.

Mechanism of effect of dietary supplement Floradofilus

When using dietary supplement Floradofilus according to the instruction the following effects are reached:

  • organic acids which promote decrease in pH of intestines are produced, thereby improving processes of pristenochny and band digestion in intestines and reducing the content of the pathological substances suppressing growth of intestinal microflora;
  • lower parts of a GIT are colonized, the intestinal biocenosis is normalized;
  • natural processes of fermentation of carbohydrates, dissolution of cellulose, hydrolysis of proteins, saponifications of fats are normalized;
  • Floradofilus normalizes processes of synthesis of amino acids;
  • processes of synthesis of vitamin K, folic acid, group B vitamins therefore work of a nervous system, musculoskeletal system, coagulant system of blood is normalized improve;
  • absorption of molecules of calcium, RR vitamin improves;
  • body resistance improves;
  • the immunogenesis is normalized: activity of a lysozyme increases, formation of system of a complement is normalized.

Indications to use

In the instruction to Floradofilus the following indications to use are specified:

  • chronic diseases of intestines which are followed by a meteorism, the spastic phenomena, locks;
  • the GIT diseases connected with dysbacteriosis which developed as a result of poisonings, the postponed viral and bacterial diseases, after use of the antibiotics and other medicines oppressing intestinal microflora;
  • for prevention of rickets, anemia, allergic, infectious diseases;
  • by training patients for a planned operative measure on abdominal organs;
  • for normalization of coagulant ability of blood, as an additional tool in complex therapy of hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • in complex treatment of fungus diseases in gynecology;
  • for improvement of disintoxication function of a liver at alcoholism and tobacco smoking;
  • it is used in programs of weight reduction.

The instruction to use

Floradofilus is appointed the adult at the rate of 1-3 capsules a day. The capsule should be washed down with warm water or to dissolve it in a mouth. To accept in 20-40 minutes after food. Small children should dissolve capsule contents in water or to mix it with food.Флорадофилус в упаковке

Contraindications to use

In the instruction to Floradofilus contraindications to use are not specified.


Positive reviews about Floradofilus speak about rather high performance of this dietary supplement. At dietary supplement use Floradofilus according to the instruction the effect from bodies of digestive tract is reached quickly enough. About Floradofilus the patients using dietary supplement in complex treatment of gynecologic diseases for normalization of microflora give also very good responses.

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