Main > Drugs> Gentian


Application instruction:

Gentian – a plant of family of a gentian family. Горечавка желтаяOther known names of a grass: materinka, gentian, bitterling. Roots at a plant long and branchy, and the stalk which often grows higher than a meter has no hairs and various branches. Leaves are petiolar, have the ellipse form, from 3rd to 5 veins. Flowers of a gentian are collected in a large number in bosoms of upper leaves, on legs. The plant has the five-separate yellow nimbus differing in dark points in a pharynx. The fruit at this plant sharp-pointed, and is in its box very many small seeds. Seeds of a gentian have the spindle form, they "are supplied" with small wings thanks to which dissipate downwind.

The rhizome and root of a gentian thick, annulate, branchy, reach 60 cm in length, have the longitudinally wrinkled bark bearing a deep furrow. Bark has a reddish-brown shade. On cross section of this plant the wood having light yellowish-brown color is often emitted, it possesses a peculiar slight smell and very bitter taste, in water strongly inflates.

The gentian is presented by mass of both annual, and long-term herbs and forbs which have short stalks, small or single flowers of various coloring (blue, white, blue and yellow). Blossoming happens in quite different time, everything depends on a species of a plant.

The gentian grows in mountains of Central Europe (for example, in Switzerland), and here this plant is not found in Russia. However, attempts of its cultivation in the southern areas were made, and it was possible. The sort is presented by more than 500 types which grow on all globe.

Use of a gentian

In the medical sphere the yellow gentian has the broadest use, but the dot species of this plant is its full-fledged substitute. Rather often use in the medicinal purposes both an ordinary species of a plant, and blue which still is called a blue St. John's Wort.

Gentian drugs for stimulation of secretions of glands of digestion, arousing appetite are used. Also they possess antiseptic and antiinflammatory action. This plant is capable to improve bilification and bile secretion, to considerably strengthen cordial reductions.

Besides, indications to use of this plant are the digestion disturbances which are characterized by an akhiliya (abnormal and unusual structure of a gastric juice), lack of appetite, and also diathesis and anemia.

Infusions and broths from roots of a gentian can be appointed as fortifying means by the patient undergoing rehabilitation after very serious illness.

The root, flowers and seeds of a gentian are everywhere used for strengthening of vital forces, treatment of arthritises, a scurvy, diseases of a spleen, locks, a meteorism, jaundice, and also for stimulation of activity of a gall bladder and a liver.Корень горечавки

Flowers of a gentian are not applied as medicinal raw materials, it is the is best of all roots which are dug out either in the fall, or in the spring, but not earlier are suitable for these purposes, than plants will reach age of 4 years (under natural conditions) or 5-6 years (on condition of growth on plantations). Gentian roots very quickly as during long drying they can lose the curative properties dry. Ready raw materials are stored no more than 5 years in dry and cool rooms.

Harm of a gentian

Without fear of emergence of various side effects, according to specialists, gentian family of a drop or infusions can be applied in the quantity which is not exceeding 35 drops.

However, pregnant women, and also people who have an ulcer of intestines or stomach should refuse flatly the use of any drugs on the basis of a gentian. Also bitterness can become the provoker of the allergic reactions which are characterized by a severe headache therefore people with any allergic predispositions should refuse gentian drugs.

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