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Unguentum Ichthyoli

The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 103 rub.

Ихтиоловая мазьUnguentum Ichthyoli – antiseptic and the disinfectant which is effectively eliminating an infection from a skin surface. It is applied in gynecology, urology and at various skin diseases.

Pharmacological action

Unguentum Ichthyoli has local antiseptic and antiinflammatory action, has keratostatichesky and antipruritic effect.

Unguentum Ichthyoli eliminates a skin itch and softens processes of keratinization of skin, improves elasticity of skin, strengthens processes of regeneration and exchange in skin and eliminates an excess peeling.

According to reviews, Unguentum Ichthyoli shows antiinflammatory and analgeziruyushchy action on deep layers of soft tissues in several hours after drawing.

Release form

Unguentum Ichthyoli is released:

  • 10%, 100 g of ointment contain 10 g of Ichthyolum and 90 g of vaseline medical. In dark glass jars on 25 g;
  • 20%, 100 g of ointment contain 20 g of Ichthyolum and 80 g of vaseline medical. In dark glass jars on 800 g and 1800.

Indications to use of Unguentum Ichthyoli

According to the instruction, Unguentum Ichthyoli is applied at:

  • Burns, eczemas and erysipelatous inflammations;
  • To infiltrative and suppurative form of a microsporia and trichophytosis;
  • Streptodermas;
  • Hydradenitis;
  • Arthritises and neuralgia of traumatic and inflammatory character;
  • To solar eczema and light smallpox, diskoidny lupus erythematosus, rozatsea;
  • Furuncles;
  • Osteofolliculitis;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Sycosis.

Unguentum Ichthyoli is shown at treatment of inflammatory diseases of a small pelvis (an oophoritis, a salpingitis, a parametritis, etc.)


According to the instruction, Unguentum Ichthyoli is not recommended to be applied at individual intolerance or at an allergy to Ichthyolum.

Application instruction of Unguentum Ichthyoli

Мазь ихтиоловаяUnguentum Ichthyoli is applied as in pure form, and in the form of 10% of a glyceric lotion for which receiving mix equal volumes of glycerin and 20% of Unguentum Ichthyoli before receiving homogeneous mass.

According to the instruction, Unguentum Ichthyoli is evenly distributed on the surface of skin in places of an inflammation and rubbed until appears caumesthesias.

At eczema, burns, arthritises, an erysipelatous inflammation and neuralgia the place of the center of defeat after putting ointment is covered with a gauze napkin and fixed by a plaster or a bandage. Bandages should be changed daily.

The volume of the ointment applied for treatment depends on the defeat center size. Usually 2-4 g of Unguentum Ichthyoli are enough for drawing on the area of a sacrum or knee joint.

Unguentum Ichthyoli it is shown at staphylodermas and streptodermas. It is applied in the form of applications from 10% of a glyceric lotion, having covered a site of application with parchment paper under a bandage. Everyone change a bandage several times a day.

Unguentum Ichthyoli is shown at gynecologic diseases. Apply in the form of the tampons moistened in 10% glyceric solution, several times a day in a rectum after statement of a cleansing enema or spontaneous purgation.

Unguentum Ichthyoli at furuncles and a hydradenitis is applied not divorced in the form of Ichthyol flat cakes. For this purpose about 2 g it is necessary to apply ointments on a furuncle and to cover with a cotton plug. The tampon impregnated with Ichthyolum needs to be recorded strongly on the surface of skin a plaster. Usually improvement occurs within the first days. Tampons with ointment change each 8-10 hours.

On a face at furuncles it is better to apply Unguentum Ichthyoli divorced glycerin accidentally not to allow hit on mucous and in eyes.

Side effects

According to reviews Unguentum Ichthyoli practically does not cause side effects, extremely seldom there are skin allergic reactions.

According to the instruction, Unguentum Ichthyoli during pregnancy and a lactation is applied according to indications and appointment of the doctor.

According to reviews Unguentum Ichthyoli is well transferred by children, but it is not recommended to be applied to children up to 6 years.

Unguentum Ichthyoli is applied only outwardly. It is not recommended to apply it on open wounds and mucous membranes of a mouth, an eye.

Storage conditions

Unguentum Ichthyoli is released without recipe. A period of storage – 3 years.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Unguentum Ichthyoli of 10% 25 g

103 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Unguentum Ichthyoli of 10% 25 g, Moscow FF (г.Москва)

128 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Unguentum Ichthyoli of 20% 25 g, Borisovsky ZMP (Borisov)

130 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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