Main > Drugs> Tinctura Araliae

Tinctura Araliae

Description of drug

Настойка аралии - вытяжка из корней аралии маньчжурской

Tinctura Araliae is a spirit extract from roots of an aralia Manchurian which grows in the Far East, on Sakhalin, In Primorsky Krai and on the Kuril Islands. In roots of an aralia there are triterpenovy saponins, anthocyans, flavonoids, tannic and resinous substances, mineral salts, essential oil, vitamins C and B1, sincaline. Leaves of an aralia Manchurian are rich in alkaloids, organic acids, anthocyans, carbohydrates.

Drugs on the basis of an aralia Manchurian have tonic, anti-toxic, antiinflammatory action. Also drugs on the basis of this plant regulate the level of blood pressure, have diuretic properties and reduce sugar level in blood.

Water broth and Tinctura Araliae from roots excite TsNS, reduce the dream duration (caused by narcotic substances), improve work of a cardiac muscle. Tinctura Araliae excites breath, reduces stress. Components of a plant increase the vital capacity of lungs, and also an animal force.

Indications to use

According to the instruction to Tinctura Araliae, it is applied at asteniye which manifestations is weakness, fatigue, decrease in muscular activity, uncertainty in itself, frequent changes in mood. Tinctura Araliae removes depression symptoms which arise owing to craniocereberal injuries with an asthenic syndrome, is also applied at the lowered blood pressure and impotence which developed against the background of neurosis.

Настойка аралии

Application instruction and doses

The application instruction of Tinctura Araliae Manchurian assumes its use inside. According to the instruction, Tinctura Araliae is accepted till 30-40 drops which need to be parted in ¼ glasses of water. Take medicine for half an hour or for an hour to food, at the same time it is not recommended to use Tinctura Araliae Manchurian in the evening. The course of treatment this drug makes from 15 days to one month. In the instruction to Tinctura Araliae it is told that the positive effect from treatment is reached gradually, for several days after the beginning of administration of drug.

Side effects and possible complications

Side effect from use of Tinctura Araliae Manchurian – a hyperexcitability. If to accept drug during quite long time, hypertensia (increase in blood pressure) can develop. Reception of Tinctura Araliae can provoke a sleep disorder in the evening.

Contraindications to use

According to the instruction to Tinctura Araliae, drug is contraindicated at sleeplessness, a hypertension (the increased blood pressure), and also a hyperexcitability.

Form of release and storage conditions

Tinctura Araliae is issued in bottles with a capacity of 50 ml. It is necessary to store medicine in the cool and dark place in well corked bottle. The period of validity of Tinctura Araliae makes three years.

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