Application instruction:
Oletetrinum – the antibacterial combined drug with a broad spectrum of activity.
Oletetrinum is released in the form of tablets, coated (in blister strip packagings on 10 pieces, on 1 or 2 packagings in a cardboard pack; in polymeric banks on 25 pieces, after 1 bank in a cardboard pack).
Active agents are a part of 1 tablet:
Auxiliary components: calcium stearate, medical talc, potato starch.
Oletetrinum is appointed for treatment of the diseases caused by the microorganisms showing sensitivity to effect of active agents including purulent infections of skin and soft tissues, osteomyelitis, pneumonia, meningitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, a bronchoectatic disease, average otitis, cholecystitis, prostatitis, infections of urinogenital bodies, pyelonephritis, an endometritis, cystitis, erysipelatous inflammations, purulent gonorrhea, a brucellosis, a tularemia.
Oletetrinum is accepted inside, washing down with water, it is more preferable – after meal.
The recommended dosing mode:
Course duration – from 7 to 10 days (is defined by weight of an infection).
During treatment development of side effects in the form of nausea, vomiting, a loss of appetite, abdominal pains, locks or diarrhea, a dysphagy, a glossitis, an esophagitis, allergic reactions (an itch, skin rash, an eosinophilia) is possible.
Long therapy can lead to emergence of such disturbances as intestinal dysbacteriosis, increase in activity of "hepatic" transaminases, candidiasis, a neutropenia, development of a lack of vitamins of group B and K, thrombocytopenia, hemolitic anemia, a photosensitization, a giperkreatininemiya, a hyperbilirubinemia, an azotemia.
During development of teeth in children use of Oletetrinum can lead to change of their color (has irreversible character).
At the combined use of Oletetrinum with some drugs there can be following effects:
To store in the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature up to 25 °C.
Period of validity – 2 years.
Name of drug
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