Main > Drugs> Taufon


The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 127 rub.

Taufon – the ophthalmologic drug promoting recovery of a retina of an eye.

Pharmacological action

The main active component of drug and Taufon's analogs is amino acid taurine which is synthesized in an organism in the course of cysteine transformation. Глазные капли ТауфонTaurine contains in some foodstuff. Promotes optimization of power processes in an organism, takes active part in a lipometabolism. It is experimentally established that drug plays a role of amino acid which is responsible for transfer of excitement in nervous tissues. Taufon has anticonvulsant properties thanks to which, makes kardiotropny impact.

Drug and Taufon's analogs stimulate processes of regeneration at dystrophic changes of a retina of an eye, traumatic disturbances of tissues of eye. In the medical purposes drug is produced in the form of 4% of aqueous solution.

Indications to Taufon's use

Drug Taufon is appointed the adult for treatment of damages of an eye retina: tapetoretinalny degenerations, dystrophy of a cornea, senile, diabetic, traumatic and beam cataracts. Besides, drug is used as means for stimulation of reparative processes at traumatic damages of a cornea. In reviews of Taufona efficiency of drug as means which promotes process of normalization of intraocular pressure at glaucoma is also noted.

Taufon route of administration

In the instruction to Taufon it is told that at a cataract it is necessary to dig in drug on two-three drops two-four times daily within three months. In a month the course of treatment is repeated. At traumatic damages of an eye Taufon appoint in the same dosage, as at a cataract. For treatment of dystrophic diseases of an eye, and also at the getting wounds the drug is administered under an outside cover of an eye on 0,3 ml 4% of solution within ten days once a day. As a rule, therapy is repeated in six-eight months.

Side effects

Allergic manifestations at hypersensitivity to active components of Taufon are possible.

Taufon's interaction with other drugs

When using Taufon's it can be observed strengthening of hypotensive effect at treatment of an open angle glaucoma.Тауфон во флаконе

Features of use of Taufon

In the instruction to Taufon it is told that before the first use of a new bottle it is necessary to screw up a cap as much as possible. For piercing of an opening in a bottle use a thorn which is on the cap interior. Before use the bottle needs to be heated to body temperature. Medical solution is dug in in an eye, slightly pressing on bottle walls. After use of drug it is necessary to screw up a cap densely.

Storage conditions

The tube with drug needs to be stored in the place protected from hit of direct sunshine at the temperature condition which is not exceeding 15 °C.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Taufon of a hl drop. 4% 10 ml No. 1 fl-cap, Moscow endocrine z-d (г.Москва)

127 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Taufon MEZ of a gl.kapla of 4% 10 ml

136 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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