Hemitremor (hemitremor; Greek hemi-– a floor - unilateral, half + lat. tremor – trembling) – bystry involuntary rhythmical reductions of muscles of one half of a body; are most often noted against the background of parkinsonism.
The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.
Sooner or later hair turn gray at all. Many people try to hide these changes, returning natural color of the hair with the help about...
Section: Articles about healthFood with the increased content of sugar is attractive to most of people - it is scientifically confirmed fact. Business here not in intemperance or dissoluteness: the sweet food is associated since childhood with feeling of rest and safety which is felt by the kid, to...
Section: Articles about healthIt would seem, to buy drugs in Moscow does not make a problem – a drugstore, and not one, is available for each resident of the capital within walking distance. And, nevertheless, Internet drugstores become more popular – what it is possible to explain such phenomenon with? Actually there is a lot of reasons and if to formulate them it is short, then the most suitable word will be - "conveniently". We suggest to get acquainted in more detail with pluses and minuses of online drugstores that buying drugs, not to make the wrong choice....
Section: Articles about healthStriya (extension) are the defects of skin having an appearance of direct or wavy strips from 1 to 10 cm long and 1-5 mm wide. In the majority with...
Section: Articles about healthThe healthy nutrition is the invariable principle of health and good health for long years of the woman. Nevertheless, in a diet at each stage of life there are the features allowing to support an organism by those substances which are most necessary...
Section: Articles about healthFor most of the working people the problem of having a snack is particularly acute enough. Sooner or later there is a question: what can be eaten quickly between a breakfast and a lunch or a lunch and leaving from service so that to receive necessary power feed, but not to overload an organism with harmful components or excess calories? We bring to your attention the list of products which quite conform to these requirements....
Section: Articles about healthNot without reason doctors say that 90% of diseases begin or develop because of misoperation of intestines. Disturbance of its functions связ...
Section: Articles about healthAccording to World Health Organization, every third inhabitant of Earth has excess weight, and every tenth has obesity. The reason of this phenomenon, according to specialists, roots in one not very comforting fact: most of people consume much...
Section: Articles about healthThe list of stereotypes of which, apparently, all know strongly includes following: British surely eat porridge for breakfast. Perhaps, not all modern residents of Britain arrive quite so, but for those from them which continue to follow this tradition, it is possible to be glad sincerely: oat flakes are a product which regular use not only helps the person to keep force and beauty long. Porridge in a special way influences an organism, protecting it from seriousness...
Section: Articles about healthOne of the major chemical processes happening in a human body are oxidation reactions. They go with participation of fats...
Section: Articles about healthIt is pleasant to state a possibility of improvement of quality of life of people with problems of functioning of secretory system. Efforts of talented inventors created products which will be able to provide normal life activity of clients with moderate degree for...
Section: Articles about healthPeople know that thermal sources have salutary force long ago. Treatment by natural waters is one of the most ancient methods of disposal of the most different diseases. Bathtubs, souls, wrappings and inhalations, in combination with water reception inside help to improve a condition of the patients suffering from disturbances of work of a musculoskeletal system, bodies of digestive tract, cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory and secretory system, skin and endocrine п...
Section: Articles about healthOne of the useful properties presented to the person by the nature is ability to feel fear. This ability is called a signal...
Section: Articles about healthThe thought that the mass of their body is too big at least once in life visits from 80 to 95% of women. Many women are so obsessed with this idea that constantly try all new and new ways of weight reduction. Considerable part of these method...
Section: Articles about healthSince the moment when the child becomes a school student, his sight begins to be exposed to the strengthened loadings which are supplemented with viewing of animated films and long computer games. During this period of life of the child development of not completely created organs of sight, it is very easy to break the excessive loading which is aggravated with lack of a work-rest schedule. As a rule, and occurs: according to WHO statistics, every fourth child of school age has these or those diseases of eyes, Wednesday...
Section: Articles about healthThe pine is one of the most widespread plants of our woods. Its needles and pitch not without reason called by "gallipot", since ancient times испол...
Section: Articles about healthNeurosis is called pathology of a nervous system at which deviations in functioning of the highest nervous processes are observed. Most often - owing to yet not strengthened mentality - children are subject to neurosises. Premises to emergence of such disturbances can become нез...
Section: Articles about healthPopular joke that there are no healthy people, and is nedoobsledovanny, most of us considers an honest truth, continually it is necessary to hear that all of us are sick hardly from a school bench. It is hard to say whether so it actually because too often people are treated for nonexistent diseases, and sometimes call a disease what is something another. Sometimes in it the doctors of old school making diagnoses which are cancelled long ago – medicine still unless are guilty...
Section: Articles about healthOlive oil – the product capable to make a powerful contribution to health of the person if it includes it in the diet. Rich vitamin...
Section: Articles about healthAccording to doctors, more than a half of men of 25-50 years suffer from frustration of the urinogenital sphere, but the minority sees a doctor from them. And in vain - even the insignificant discomfort in the field of generative organs can serve as a symptom of an illness fraught heavy посл...
Section: Articles about healthVenereal diseases in medicine are called the infections which are transmitted preferential sexually, now they and are called - infections, sexually transmitted, or STD. Among them is also life-threatening. In spite of the fact that the majority of diseases such will respond to treatment, they are widespread everywhere, and there is no tendency to decrease in incidence. Besides, some of them promptly look younger: statistically, a third of young people at the age of 16-22 years of a str...
Section: Articles about healthThe winter swimming in open reservoirs called in our country by "winter swimming" – officially recognized sport and one of the ek...
Section: Articles about healthWithin several decades of our compatriots convinced that the use of butter nasty affects a condition of coronary vessels. As a result the reputation of a product was impaired thoroughly a little, and many almost ceased to include...
Section: Articles about healthYou heard that laughter prolongs life? Researchers did not manage to establish longevity direct link with sincere fun yet, but several facts confirming beneficial influence of risibility on the state of health are clinically proved....
Section: Articles about healthPhobia – the persuasive fear of a certain contents shown in a specific situation against the will of the person. Concepts of a phobia and fear...
Section: Articles about healthThe hysteromyoma is diagnosed more than at a third of women 35 years are more senior. This high-quality new growth which at early stages successfully resolves by means of medicines. It is necessary to resort to an operative measure only in those a case...
Section: Articles about healthIt would seem, about it there can be no disagreements: water is necessary for a human body for normal life activity, and about how and when it should be drunk, all know. It turned out that the situation is not absolutely so: for many years there are very persistent delusions connected with this question. Let's consider the most widespread of them....
Section: Articles about health