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Useful properties of blueberry

Since ancient times berry blueberry was known to the person as a wonderful gift of the nature and an invaluable source of vitamins. Blueberry grows on a small bush which concerns to family of heather. Earlier blueberry grew only in the wood, but now the person learned to grow up it in a garden. Garden blueberry differs from forest in the fact that its berries larger, and bushes are higher, than forest.


Berry blueberry differs in black color, with a blue outflow. Blueberry by the end of summer ripens, during this period of berry become gentle and soft, with the most saturated taste. Blueberry garden - very gentle berry therefore it is necessary to treat it especially accurately not to rumple.

Along with fine taste, blueberry has a set of useful properties. So, there is the whole list of its medical impact on a human body, namely:

  • Diuretic;
  • Antiscorbutic;
  • Cholagogue;
  • Cardiotonic;
  • Antiinflammatory;
  • Antisclerous;
  • Antimicrobic.

Water as a part of berry of blueberry makes nearly 90%. Except water, in blueberry there is a lot of sugar, organic acids, vitamins, cellulose, pectins, tannins. Leaves of blueberry are not less useful to health, than its berry.

Blueberry contains the mass of useful components of substances:

  • Mineral salts;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Citric acid;
  • Niacin;
  • Malic acid;
  • Acetic acid;
  • Oxalic acid;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Provitamin and vitamin A;
  • Magnesium;
  • Calcium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Iron is (a little);
  • Carotene;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Group B vitamins;
  • Vitamins K, P and PP.

Juice of berry of blueberry is around the world recognized nearly the most valuable on the content of vitamins and antioxidant properties. In one other fruit or berry there is no such amount of useful properties. Juice from this berry is much more useful to an organism, than garnet, apple or grape. Gland contains in blueberry not really much, but through this product this microelement is almost completely acquired by a human body.

Drinking in a day only 0,3 glasses of natural juice from blueberry berry, it is possible to provide the organism with average daily norm of vitamins.


Useful properties of blueberry are widely used in traditional and traditional medicine, and also in dietology.

So, it is useful to use blueberry at the following problems with health:

  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Stomach diseases;
  • Intestinal frustration;
  • Exceeding of level of sugar in blood.

So, than blueberry is useful? Regular consumption of berry of blueberry is capable to normalize function of a pancreas. This very important action for patients with a diabetes mellitus. Blueberry strengthens medical effect of drugs for lowering of the level of sugar in blood of patients.

Garden blueberry is extremely useful to those who have problems with sight and at glaucoma. Regularly eating blueberry, it is possible to recover gradually sight and to remove stress from eyes.

Nearly the main useful element of berry of blueberry, magnesium, has powerful soothing property and is necessary for people with diseases of cardiovascular system. Presence at berry to blueberry of vitamins K, P and PP allows to reduce risk of development of a varicosity. Vitamin K, besides, takes active part in the course of a blood coagulation in an organism. Therefore blueberry is shown before carrying out surgeries, after the delivery, of the medical abortions and injuries connected with a big loss of blood.

Besides, than blueberry, so it is useful that it actively protects a human body from harmful effects of radoactive radiation, strengthens walls of vessels and protects nervous cells from destruction. Not for nothing doctors appoint regularly to use blueberry to people who live and work in harmful conditions, at an adverse ecological situation. In the north the people do not represent the life without this plant. They in a large number use blueberry to fill a lack of vitamins B an organism.

Juice from blueberry, decoction from berries and leaves of this plant is capable to bring down high temperature. Useful properties of blueberry allow to improve a metabolism and to quickly recover the weakened organism after serious illnesses. At problems with intestines, blueberry allows to adjust normal work of this body.

Blueberry contains the highly active antioxidants serving as prophylactic of oncological diseases.

Besides, properties of blueberry are actively applied in dietology. Juice from blueberry is absolutely shown at observance of any diet. In addition to maintenance of vitamin balance, berry very much helps at fight against extra kilos. Blueberry promotes splitting of fats in an organism therefore it can be included in any dietary diet. Caloric content of blueberry makes only 37 kcal on 100 grams of a product.

It is difficult to gather garden blueberry, and already especially, forest not to damage some berry, not less work makes its correct storage. If berries were damaged, from them it is possible to squeeze out juice or to wipe with sugar and to store in the cold place. So useful properties of blueberry at storage will not change. During a season it is necessary to try to eat as much as possible fresh berries, during their full maturing the content of vitamins and other useful microelements as much as possible.

For the winter berry blueberry is frozen, leaves of blueberry dry up. The frozen berries of blueberry of the useful properties do not lose therefore it is possible to store all winter and spring blueberry in the refrigerator, eating it all the year round. In the winter and in the summer from blueberry it is possible to squeeze out juice, to prepare mousses, compotes and jelly. From leaves of blueberry fragrant and useful tea turns out.

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Contraindications to use of blueberry

In practice of berry of blueberry extremely seldom cause any side effect on an organism. But as well as with any product, considerably it is not recommended to exceed reasonable amounts of berries. Blueberry contains the mass of nutrients which at receipt in a human body in excessive quantity can cause various symptoms of intoxication. It can be nausea, vomiting, a headache and weakness.

Especially accurate with the use of blueberry pregnant women need to be also that who nurses the child. In the latter case considerable exceeding of quantity of a product can cause an allergy and intoxication in the child.

Doctors do not recommend to use blueberry in any kind to the people having dyskinesia of biliary tract.

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