Main > Drugs> Water pepper

Water pepper

Экстракт водяного перцаWater pepper is an annual herbaceous plant which belongs to a sort the mountaineer. Do the mass of drugs among which the extract which is produced from the dried-up elevated part of a plant of a grass. It is used as good styptic means. Also water pepper is a part of tincture and protivogemorroyny candles.

Pharmacological properties

In traditional medicine water pepper tincture is applied to treatment of hemorrhoids and at uterine bleeding. At the early pharmacological researches of a grass which were conducted in 1912 it was revealed that drugs of a plant have strong styptic properties which considerably surpassed drugs popular at that time with goldenseal extract in efficiency.

Reviews of water pepper claim that it strengthens vessels and considerably reduces their permeability. Also it is noted that drugs on the basis of a grass accelerate coagulability of blood. Extract of water pepper is capable to increase reduction of uterine muscles.

The glycoside promoting blood coagulation acceleration, essential oil, tannins is a part of water pepper. Thanks to these components drugs of water pepper, responses of physicians confirm it, have good bactericidal action.

Reduction of permeability and fragility of blood vessels is promoted by organic acids, a flavonovy glycoside of routines, рамназин, izoramnet, meletin, гиерозид, кемпферол which also are a part of drugs from this plant. The grass possesses styptic action thanks to vitamin K and a glycoside to a poligoperin.

Indications to use

Трава водяного перцаThe official instruction to water pepper (tincture) defines a possibility of administration of drug in such cases:

  • uterus atony;
  • uterine bleedings;
  • uterus hypotonia;
  • hemorrhoidal bleedings;
  • for reduction of a uterus which is necessary in a puerperal period.

Generally, tincture of water pepper, first of all, is intended for the given rise women, it we help them to be recovered after the delivery. But according to doctor's instructions tincture can be useful also in some other cases. So, it is applied as the good soothing, anti-inflammatory, styptic, calming and antiseptic agent. Also by means of such tincture treat malaria, hemorrhoids, the complicated urination, skin diseases, gastrointestinal, hemorrhoidal and uterine bleedings, very strong periods.


Administration of drug is prohibited during pregnancy as in its properties ability to increase a uterus tone is registered. It is impossible to accept tincture and at diseases of kidneys, inflammatory processes in a bladder, a glomerulonephritis and nephrite. Administration of drug is prohibited people with hypersensitivity to components of medicine and children up to 10 years.

Routes of administration

According to the instruction of water pepper it is necessary to accept tincture 3-4 times a day inside till 30-40 of drops. It is strictly forbidden to take medicine without appointment, by all means it is worth seeing a doctor who has to define a dose and duration of a course of treatment precisely.

Side effects

The instruction of water pepper comprises also some cautions which define such side effects:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • headache.

Conditions and periods of storage

Bottles of tincture need to be stored in the dry and dark room. The period of validity of drug makes 3 years.

Whether you know that:

In our intestines are born, millions of bacteria live and die. They can be seen only at strong increase, but if they gathered, then would be located in a usual coffee cup.