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Allocations from nipples

Emergence of allocations from nipples is one of the main complaints with which patients see the mammologist. Liquid Белые выделения из сосков чаще всего наблюдаются при галакторее from a breast can spontaneously follow or appear only at the time of squeezing of a nipple.

On color of allocation from nipples can be various: white, yellow, gray, bloody. On the consistence they are watery, liquid or dense.

And if allocation from nipples at pregnancy of liquid of whitish color (colostrum) is norm, then in all other cases any discharge from a breast is, most often, a symptom of some diseases of mammary glands.

The reasons of emergence of allocations from nipples:

  • Ectasia (expansion) of lacteal channels. In several or one lacteal channel there is an inflammatory process therefore in it exudate begins to accumulate. The disease usually occurs at women 40 years are aged more senior. Its first sign is emergence of allocations from nipples of dark or green color. Treatment is usually conservative, but surgical intervention – removal of the struck channel can sometimes be required.
  • White allocations from nipples are most often observed at a galactorrhoea and represent molokopodobny liquid, colostrum or milk. Similar allocations from nipples at pregnancy as we already spoke above, are norm. In all other cases they are a symptom of a hormonal imbalance in the woman's organism. Therefore if you had white allocations from nipples, then you surely should visit the mammologist and the endocrinologist. Also it is necessary to take a blood test on the content of prolactin and hormones of a thyroid gland. The galactorrhoea can sometimes arise at the women accepting oral contraceptives.
  • Emergence from nipples of transparent allocations of yellow or green color can be observed at a fibrous and cystous form of a mastopathy.
  • The closed breast injury. In this case bloody allocations from nipples are observed. At some patients they are not bloody, and yellow color.
  • Transparent allocations from nipples can appear against the background of acute or at an exacerbation of chronic diseases of female generative organs, and also after an abortion on early term or artificial abortion.
  • Mastitis. At purulent fusion of tissues of mammary gland from nipples purulent discharges appear. In this case treatment is carried out by the surgeon and consists in opening of an abscess, drainage of his cavity and prescription of antibiotics.
  • Intra pro-current papilloma. Represents the benign tumor located in a cavity of a lacteal channel. One of symptoms of this disease is emergence from nipples of the bloody allocations having rather dense consistence. Treatment operational with an obligatory histologic research of remote tissue of mammary gland.
  • Выделения из сосков — основная причина обращения к маммологуBreast cancer. The disease a long time proceeds asymptomatically. One of its first signs is emergence of bloody allocations from a nipple from the affected breast. Quite often at the same time the woman notes increase in the same breast and emergence in its thickness of a nodal new growth. Some patients show complaints that they are hurt by nipples and the allocations from a breast having spontaneous character.
  • Pedzhet's disease. This disease represents a special form of the breast cancer affecting first of all a nipple. At Pedzhet's disease outward of a nipple (retraction inside, deformation), its color (darkening or reddening) changes. Quite often patients complain that they have allocations and the nipple hurts or in it there is an itch, burning. Cancer therapy of Pedzhet operational – removal of a mammary gland (mastectomy).

Allocations from nipples: what to do?

If you found in yourself allocations from nipples, it is necessary to come surely to reception to the mammologist. Statement of the exact diagnosis requires carrying out laboratory and tool inspection:

  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasonography) of mammary glands;
  • Mammography;
  • Blood analysis on hormones;
  • Cytologic research of allocations from nipples.

Remember that emergence of any allocations from mammary glands always requires to itself special attention and obligatory profound inspection. Especially it concerns bloody allocations from a nipple at which emergence it is necessary to address the doctor immediately!

Whether you know that:

Most of women is capable to derive more pleasure from contemplation of the beautiful body in a mirror, than from sex. So, women, you aim at symmetry.