DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Ophthalmology Destruction of a vitreous

Destruction of a vitreous


The Destruction of a Vitreous (DV) (Latin myodesopsia) — opacification of fibers of a vitreous of an eye, observed by the person in the form of threads, "wool hanks", pointed, granular, powdery, nodular or needle inclusions which float after the movement of eyes in one, in other party. This phenomenon is called by "floating opacities" (English floaters), "the flying front sights" (Latin by muscae volitantes), "caterpillars", and even "bacteria". It is also known as "front sights, spider lines, points, hyphens, dust in eyes" according to patients. At diagnosis by ophthalmologists in essential number of cases it is designated as DST.

Reasons of destruction of a vitreous:

Destruction of a vitreous is caused by a number of the reasons. The most widespread of them are also age changes of a vitreous, the last are more often beginning at the age of 40-60 years. Among other reasons which can lead to destruction it is possible to note various vascular disorders (including vegeto-vascular dystonia, arterial hypertension, dystrophic changes of vessels), cervical osteochondrosis, intensive endocrine and metabolic changes (the pubertal period, pregnancy, reception of hormonal drugs) and diseases (diabetes mellitus), injuries of the head, an injury of eyes and a nose (including operations of eyes and a nose), physical exhaustion, dystrophy, frequent and long loadings of eyes, long physical and psychoemotional stresses, effects of the postponed infections, parasites (toxoplasmosis), high level of radiative and toxic effects on an organism.

Sharp emergence of "the flying front sights" can be a harbinger of peeling of a retina or a vitreous. At the same time, except "front sights" at people something is observed like flashes of light or "lightnings", due to the emptiness formed in a vitreous. Peeling of a retina is the serious pathology threatening with total loss of sight.

Symptoms of destruction of a vitreous:

The vitreous represents the transparent avascular jellylike substance filling an eye cavity between a retina and a crystalline lens. Normal the vitreous is completely transparent. A liquid part of a vitreous consists of viscous hyaluronic acid, traces of serum proteins, ascorbic acid, salts and other substances and is put into a framework from thin proteinaceous fibrilla.

Destruction of a vitreous represents change of a mesh structure of a vitreous of an eye because separate fibers are thickened and lose transparency. In the cases connected with a synchysis, its fibers often stick together among themselves, forming the interlacings taking a form of "octopuses", "spiders", "chromosomes", "palm trees", etc. A synchysis — division of the "hyaluronic acid — collagen" complex at which the vitreous loses uniformity, being divided into two fractions: dense and liquid. At a synchysis, except front sights the so-called "flashes" or "lightnings" which are abnormal reaction of an optic nerve to presence at a vitreous of the "optical emptiness" which are perceived a brain as "lightnings" or "flashes" are observed.

Opacifications are especially well visible against the background of a bright, pure surface, for example against the background of the bright sky, snow or the lit white wall and a ceiling. At weak illumination and heterogeneity of surrounding space, opacification by the person usually are not noticed at all. However, if the person after all notices them, they can be the reason of strong irritation. Because of the movement of muddy particles after the movement of an eye, it is difficult to focus a look on a similar particle and to consider it properly.

Destruction of a vitreous in the form of a silver or golden shower arises in the presence of crystal inclusions of cholesterol, salts of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus at patients of advanced age with disturbance of cholesteric exchange and the accompanying diabetes mellitus. At biomicroscopy brilliant parts, "a silver (gold) rain" or "the dancing snowflakes" which move at the movement of eyeglobes are defined. These crystals have the different size, the form (in the form of points, balls, plates), color (snow-white, golden, brown.

Speaking about "front sights" in eyes, often people confuse the symptoms of destruction of a vitreous with temporary optical effects, such as, the "negative print" remaining at a view of the sun or other source of bright light, or "sparkle" arising at a raising of weights, sharp change of arterial pressure, blows in the head. Floating opacities at destruction of a vitreous in the conditions of illumination are visible always, have the stable form, remaining same "front sights".

Помутнение стекловидного тела при его деструкции

Opacity of the vitreous body at its destruction

Treatment of destruction of a vitreous:

From surgical interventions it is possible to allocate:
YAG laser витреолизис (splitting of visible opacifications by the laser)
Vitrectomy (partial or full removal of a vitreous with its subsequent replacement by gas, silicone or physical solution)
However, it is worth noticing that effects of these types of treatment can be much more dangerous, than the flying front sights.

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