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Acute occlusion of arteries of a retina


Impassability (occlusion) of an artery of a retina occurs when the blood stream in the central artery of a retina or in its separate branches is broken.

Symptoms of Acute occlusion of arteries of a retina:

Some patients have cases of temporary loss of sight preceding occlusion.

Impassability of the central artery of a retina: sharp painless total loss of sight in one eye.
Impassability of a branch of the central artery of a retina: sharp painless partial loss of sight in one eye.

Глазное дно при острой окклюзии артерий сетчатки

Eyeground at acute occlusion of arteries of a retina

Reasons of Acute occlusion of arteries of a retina:

Such stop of a blood flow usually develops as a result of hit in an artery of a small parcel of blood (blood clot) or a piece of an atherosclerotic plaque which being mechanically strong and having certain sizes, get stuck in constantly narrowed arterial bed. Occlusion leads to decrease in delivery of oxygen to the area of a retina which receives food from the affected artery, and irreversible loss of sight.

Retina artery occlusion is always a consequence of the general disease. Generally it is vascular diseases of advanced age, including atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension (high blood pressure), high level of cholesterol in blood, diabetes, glaucoma.

Treatment of Acute occlusion of arteries of a retina:

Unfortunately, the good method of treatment of this disease does not exist. Retina cells, being cells of nervous tissue, extremely badly transfer air hunger. However, if treatment began to start within the first hour later occlusions, recovery of sight is possible in rare instances.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Acute occlusion of arteries of a retina:

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