Main > List of diseases

List of diseases (alphabetically):

Diagnostic methods
Биопсия щитовидной железы - результаты, проведение

For definition of a condition of cells of a thyroid gland and the nodes formed in it carry out gland biopsy. It is considered the basic...

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Иммуноферментный анализ крови - расшифровка, методы

The enzyme immunoassay is carried out when there are difficulties with diagnosis if at the patient is hereditary предрасп...

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Ангиография сосудов

This method differs from an ordinary research in the fact that enter a contrast agent into blood vessels – organic connect...

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Пункционная биопсия печени - результаты, осложнения

The biopsy of a liver is carried out for definition of a condition of the body which is in process of an inflammation. The procedure is that...

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Human organs
Гортань - строение, лечение, отек

The throat represents an upper part of a respiratory tube which is located in a front part of a neck at the level of 4-7 vertebrae...

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Глотка человека - строение, функции

Throat – the cylindrical, slightly squeezed in the sagittal direction funneled muscular tube from 12 to 14 cm long...

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Sections of medicine
Современная стоматология

The stomatology as one of the directions of medical science, appeared several centuries ago, but in those days people sacredly of beliefs...

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Ортопедия - диагностика и лечение заболеваний

The orthopedics is one of sections of clinical medicine, connected with studying of diseases of a musculoskeletal system. To the sphere an inter...

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Гепатология - диагностика и лечение заболеваний

Need for specialization arose because a liver the major, absolutely unique body, and belongs it not only...

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Нефрология - диагностика и лечение заболеваний

In literal translation with Greek, the word "nephrology" means "the doctrine about kidneys". This section of medicine is engaged in studying in...

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Medical specialties
Проктолог - прием, отзывы, осмотр

The proctologist Proktologiya – science which studies diseases of an anus, pararectal area and a large intestine. Proctologists...

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Офтальмолог - прием, консультаций, отзывы

The ophthalmologist Oftalmolog is a medical specialist who is engaged in treatment and prevention of eye diseases, and...

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Гастроэнтеролог - отзывы, прием, консультация

The gastroenterologist Gastroenterolog is a doctor who specializes in treatment and diagnosis of diseases of a digestive tract....

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Дерматолог - прием, консультация, отзывы

The dermatologist Dermatologiya is a science about diseases and properties of skin. The dermatologist – the diagnosis, prevention specialist and treatment...

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First aid
Первая помощь при укусе пчелы

First aid at a sting of a bee In traditional medicine is considered that stings of bees are useful to health, there is the whole section of copper...

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Первая помощь при утоплении

First aid when drowning Statistics of drownings is disturbing – by different estimates, every year in Russia sinks  from 3 000 to 10 000 че...

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Первая помощь при шоке

First aid at shock Shock is called the pathological reaction of an organism coming in response to the irritation caused to an injury...

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Первая помощь при ожогах – термических, химических

First aid at burns the Burn is called damage of body tissues, as a result of influence of high temperature. Except t...

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Никотиновый пластырь - цена, отзывы, показания

The nicotinic plaster Practically each smoker dreams to get rid of this dependence forever. But, unfortunately...

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Легкие курильщика - описание, фото, заболевания

The smoker's lungs according to World Health Organization smoking is the main reason for death in the modern world...

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Сигареты без никотина - отзывы, виды

All who are slaves to such addiction as smoking, perfectly know that the most terrible in the course of disaccustoming is not...

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Никотин - действие, влияние, отравление

Nicotine Nicotine – the alkaloid synthesized in roots of plants of family of a nightshade family and accumulated in leaves. Nicotine содержитс...

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